A major step toward ultrafast magnetism-based computers
The achievement could be a step toward computer memory using ultrafast phenomena that happen on the order of billionths of a second.
The achievement could be a step toward computer memory using ultrafast phenomena that happen on the order of billionths of a second.
What are viruses, really? And where did they come from? UCLA's Chemistry and Biochemistry department is pushing the boundaries of virology, and helping to answer that question once and for all.
Young has deepened our understanding of the history of the solar system and its place in the galaxy through his extensive contributions to both experimental and theoretical meteoritics and solar system research.
Professor Ying Nian Wu and his colleagues designed two new approaches to better optimize drug design
Collaboration aims to scale-up silicon-based quantum processors
With the acquisition, UCLA will create an engine of innovation, discovery and economic growth for Southern California and beyond.
Saltzberg was honored for his work on detection of high energy neutrinos using radio waves.
The event, now in its 14th year, drew large crowds of K-12 students from across the LA area
Kamaha was honored for her research work improving the sensitivity of dark matter detectors and her dedication to minority education in science.
Speaking to the growing importance of statistics and data science in today’s world, participants from diverse academic programs across UCLA joined the event
Professor Baijnath-Rodin answers questions about the importance of climate science today, opportunities for undergraduates in AOS’s unique climate science major, and the growing importance of effective science communication