
Math circle leaders post in the classroom with elementary school children

A Simple Equation

Inside the Olga Radko Endowed Math Circle, the next generation of great math minds is taking shape.

Chris Regan Elected American Physical Society Fellow

Chris Regan was honored for “For advancements in the capabilities of in situ transmission electron microscopy, liquid-cell microscopy, and nanometer-scale thermometry, with applications ranging from improvements in computer memories to batteries. This work has an impact on both basic research and industrial applications.

Rich and Linda Turco

A Joy That is Hard to Describe

“We soon understood the wonderful feeling you get when you see students thriving, and hearing their stories. When you can speak with them face-to-face and learn about their lives and their work.”

John and Lauren Liberati

A Million Grains of Sand to Make a Beach

Six years ago, when John and Lauren Liberati were establishing an endowment to support graduate students in the physics department, they had one caveat: they didn’t want to give any criteria for how the recipient was chosen.