Dear friends,
Welcome to the UCLA Physical Sciences website.
Here you will discover one of the most diverse, productive and creative group of scientists who are asking the most interesting questions about the great mysteries of our time. We look for answers to satisfy human curiosity that range from pure and applied mathematics, to the knowledge that helps improve the quality of our lives and gives an edge to our economy.
We investigate the subatomic particles that constitute all of the matter we now know about. And we are searching for the mysterious and so far invisible dark matter that constitutes most of the observed universe.
We study the chemistry behind the use of solar energy and the processes needed to make our industries greener and sustainable. We use biochemistry and molecular biology to understand the processes that make life functions possible, which helps us develop the medicines needed to prevent and treat diseases.
We explore the Earth, from its core to its surface; we make discoveries about its history, with implications for the future of our planet. We peer out into our universe and thereby gaze into its deep past, and we look into the center of our own galaxy, at the remarkable objects that reside there.
Our work has implications for all the disciplines, from the arts to the study of society to medicine and agriculture.
I hope you will take some time to explore the physical sciences at UCLA and discover for yourself what makes our departments some of the highest-ranked in the world.

Miguel García-Garibay
Dean of Physical Sciences